Wednesday, June 8, 2016

                                    Class Evaluation 

        1. Somethings that i like about this was the fact that we used computers, and how you had us interact with the internet by creating this blog. 
        2. Somethings i didn't like was the surprise CTR cards check. They were really out of random.
        3. Some recommendations would be to give time in advance for us to get are ctr cards ready. Other than that it was a pretty cool class.
        4. One of the highlight of this class was the Choose the Right song, it was pretty catchy.:)
        5. I tried doing my best in this class because i really wanted to pass with an A in here. Last year this class threw me off, i got a B and it threw my A streak. 
        6. To be honest i don't do it daily.:( Most of the time is because i am to busy doing work for another teacher, or i am just busy. I really try to read it for five minutes daily. 
        7. Yes i am being committed in being a ctr person for life. Being a ctr persin is going to take you very far, and in life i want to go very far. 
        8. What i learn was to always choose the right and never give, and to not pick up the rattle snake. I am really going to pass this information on because it shows how i am committed in being a ctr person. and i think it will also help my friend/ peers. 
        9. What i will always remember is how you always said " Come on young people you always gotta choose the right", And also " Choose the right young people. You're dismissed". It just reminded me everyday to choose the right, and to put others as my priority

Monday, June 6, 2016

Of all the choices you will ever make , one choice supersedes all others- the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This one choice, the ultimate choice, is you're keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
To be a CTR Person-- To always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!
Image result for choose the right

What i understand about this quote is that the best decision we will ever make in our life is choosing the right. And this choice will always be the best, and we will live with gratitude, and not hate towards people. This choice is the Ultimate choice we ever had. This choice will make us the best person in the world. And by far we already have an advantage because we were exposed to ctr this whole school year. And it's best to start off little so it becomes a habit. And i am very grate full to being exposed as of my freshmen year. This choosing the right is are keystone that holds us in place. And when we remove it, we will all just fall out of place, and we don't want that. This choose will be one big remark in my life as a choice i ever made and very

Thursday, June 2, 2016

                                                   Student Success Statement

                                                       Beautiful Character

          If there is beauty in character ,there will be harmony in the home. if there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. if there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
                      if there is beauty in character , there will be peace in the world.
                                                          Chinese Proverb

 This quote says ud you are a good person then you contribute to the world begin peaceful. People can learn from you being a CTR person and to act like one themselves. Then more and more people will start to learn about becoming a ctr student. Being a respectful person shows what type of good character and not have a disrespectful one and be a bad influence to others. Living in a peaceful nation means being able to live in harmony with others and learn the ways of how people's characters can influence each other. A person that I know is a beautiful person is my mom because she has a good heart and a good soul she cares a lot about others and most important her children. My mom is a hardworking person who brings harmony to my home with her bubbliness and always on the positive side attitude. She might not order the nation but she does order my home and she is a strong woman who works independently at home and at work.
Current Health - Related

                                                Event Or Issue
"If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home, if there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. Conclusion: If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world"
- Chinese Proverb

                The meaning of this quote is very easy to understand. If you got a good personality, there can be peace. A lot of things that happen to someone depends on their personality. Having a bad personality can bring you a lot of trouble. An example to this is your friends. Sometimes your bad personality can attract the wrong people. They can get you in trouble or just being with other bad people can make you do more bad things. If you have a good personality, the bad people might think you're boring or something and leave you alone, which is a good thing. Having a good personality is one of the most important thing you need to have

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

1. I watched the basketball game
2. I went to the park to play basketball
3. I did not meet anyone this weekend
4. I watched the movie next friday
I had watched the warriors beat the thunder in 7 games when they were trailing the series 3-1
5. I didn’t read books
6. I did my math homework
7. I worked out this weekend

“ i would prefer even to fail with honor
   Than win by cheating,”

What i think about this quote is that you rather be that person that did something right then being that person that didn’t nothing right because its like your getting something you didn’t even do and thats why you always do whats right for you and dont be a cheater therefore do the right thing then choosing the wrong because choosing the wrong doesn’t take you anywhere

Thursday, May 26, 2016

   Memorial Day is a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May. The purpose of memorial day is that we honor men and woman who died during serving for the U.S Military. So they won't be forgotten.  Memorial Day is the last Monday of May, this year it falls on the 30th of May.
Ways to Show Honor:
  1. Image result for memorial day
  2. Write a thank you note and send it overseas
  3. Visit a local veterans Cemetery or a war ceremony
  4. Visit and take cookies to a local Veterans Hospital
  5. Go to a Memorial Day Parade, or watch the National Memorial Day Parade
  6. Enjoy Freedom by enjoying time with the family
  7. Fly the Flag
  8. Donate to charity that helps support our Military
  9. Volunteer

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

If i ve got correct goals, and if i keep pursuing them the best way i know how, everything else falls into line. If i do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed”
-  Dan Dierdorf
Image result for dan dierdorf
Reflection :  What i understand about this quote is that when you're goals are good and correct. And you keep pursuing them, everything else is going to fall in order. An example would be to get into college. If you work hard and do your best in high school. You are most likely to get a scholarship. Which pays for all of your college. As you can see everything is falling into line. And when you do the right thing make sure to do it right. This mens that say you help  somebody clean, you make sure it gets clean for them.

Friday, May 20, 2016

 Good Values

Image result for dennis prager

“The most important thing you                                   
Will ever have is good values.”

 Dennis p

 Good Values

Image result for dennis prager

“The most important thing you                                   
Will ever have is good values.”

 Dennis prager

This quote means that you have to have honest and be caring and show thought and don’t show fear into anything always be prepared for anything that happens and show respect to people you know or don’t know cause treat people how you wanna be treated like


This quote means that you have to have honest and be caring and show thought and don’t show fear into anything always be prepared for anything that happens and show respect to people you know or don’t know cause treat people how you wanna be treated like

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

 “ The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: Self-respect, dignity,  Integrity, and self-esteem.”
                                                        -Dr.Laura Schlessinger

This quote is very inspiring because it shows how when you choose the right, you have this feelings. And this feelings are the self respect you have for yourself. Self respect means by not harming your body, and you respecting your  body. And example of hurting your body is cutting. The other feeling that you feel is integrity, you value how your personal beliefs, and how you stand up for what is right. Another one is self esteem. Self esteem is the way you talk about yourself. Some people have the tendency of talking about about themselves. Like “ohh i look fat in this” “oh id doesn't look good on me”. People that talk about their body like this is that they have negative thoughts. Which can lead to depression or suicide.

Sports Medicine

Duties and responsibilities:
Sports medicine physicians work with athletes and sports teams at all levels to help heal athletic injuries. These physicians are specialized in either surgical or non-surgical procedures. In order to become sports medicine physicians, candidates must complete medical school, earn a license, complete a residency and fellowship, and earn board certification in sports medicine.

Salary; $204,813
Image result for sports medicine
                                                                                                                                   Education: In order to become a sports medicine you need to obtain a bachelor's degree. After you're done you enter Medical School, to complete the courses. This sports medicine are also know a lot about the skeletal system, which they do procedures in how to pop or put back in place a dislocated bone. You also as well are advising coaches and players about issues. You also must complete a residence where it's programs that last for three years.
Demand: There is no demand because this job is expected to grow for an 18%.
Reflection: I would like to be a sports medicine, because it involves you working in the medical field. And you also meet famous people, that play in sports. Also i wouldn't like to be one because i am not a sports fanatic.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Phillip Riggs Four Success Tips
  1. Work Hard
      2. Follow your passion. Do things you are interested in doing
       3. Don't chase after money
        4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.
-  Phillip Riggs

Image result for phillip riggsWhat i understand about this quote is that you must work hard. Work hard for what you want to be in life. Don't give up when there's no hope, you just keep working, till you reach the light at the end of the tunnel. The second tip is what you want to be in life, have passion for it. Do things you want to do that you enjoy doing. Don't get a career in technology and you not like doing it. Make sure u have that passion for what you want to be when you grow up. The 3 tip is don't chase after the money. When you start your career, the money will start raining on you. The money will find its way to get to you. The last tip is serve others. And do good things for them. It's just like the money, the money will come to you. But in this case when you do something good for someone, someone else is going to do something good to you. It's just like “What goes around comes around”. When you you help a lady out, maybe your friends or family will also help you out whenever you need help. I think this statement is very true.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

“ Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong”
                     - Wilford Woodruff

This statement is really true, like what are you going to get out of doing the wrong. You don't really get anything. The only thing you most likely to get are bad repercussions. It also depends on what you did and how severe you damaged people. But when you choose the right you gain something. You might gain there trust, or you might gaine a reward. You can also gain a good compliment. This is why i think this quote is so true because you really don't gain anything when you do something bad. So remember it best to choose the right, and get a good consequence rather than to get a bad repercussion. This statement really is powerful

Friday, May 6, 2016

                           Student Success Statement 

   “ It's a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at that right time”.
- Pam Knox

What I think  about this quote is that when you choose the right at the right time, in the inside you are going to feel very great. And you are going to have this feeling you never felt before. And people are going to see that you are a good person. An example would be that when an adult asks for a favor you help them out at the right moment. And at the right time. That is why after you're done you have a nice feeling, that you choose the right. You must always choose the right because you never know who is watching you. Also vice versa when you do something bad without telling anybody, there is somebody that watched you do, and choose the wrong. That's why its always best to choose the right. also you have to have confidence in yourself.

Monday, May 2, 2016

The 10 Indian Commandments
  1. Treat the earth and all that dwells therian with respect
  2. Remain close to the Great Spirit
  3. Show great respect to your fellow beings
  4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind
  5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
  6. Do what you know to be right
  7. Look after the well being of mind and body
  8. Dedicates a share of your efforts to the greater good
  9. Be truthful and honest at all  times
  10. Take full responsibility for your actions

What i am understanding about this commandments is that we must have respect for the earth as well as each other. You must show respect to your peers, or your classmates. Also work together as a team not just one person. When you work together it doesn't just benefit you it benefits all of  mankind. You also give out assistance and kindness wherever it's needed. Its also telling me that we must choose the right, and we have to learn what's right or what's wrong. You must also take care of yourself and your state of mind. You must dedicated the efforts that will help mankind/for the greater good. You should always be truthful and honest at all times, and when you do something bad take full responsibility for YOUR  actions. This commandments are really great it mostly the same as choosing the right. You have to be respectful, treat others with respect, as well as the earth. Its very great that this rules abide by choosing the right.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


 “ A promise must never be broken”
                                 - Alexander Hamilton
What i understand about this quote is that it's true, a promise must never be broken. A promise to me is like a test of truth. For example if you promise someone to do something, and say you didn't do it, it shows how untrustworthy you are. But say you did it it's going to show the opposite, it's going to show that you are trustworthy of not breaking a promise, and actually doing it. This also shows where your character stands. You can stand in the trust side or in the side where nobody trust you. Be careful when you make a promise because you got to make sure you do it and not break it. Its shows to other people how you but their priority first. But we also must know when to not promise. People will take advantage of you because you are trustworthy. So you have to be able to stand your ground. As well if their promise is going to hurt you or someone, you must tell someone. The only time you break a promise is when the promise endangers someone's health or even yours.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

“ It's our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound good,and unpopular that which is unsound”(not good)
-  Joseph Smith

What this quote is telling me about is that we should make the good things popular that will sound good. And make the bad stuff unpopular. I really think we should, because all the bad influence is being popular. And more and more kids are going under bad influence, which is bad because they are the leaders of tomorrow. It's everyone's duty to make the unpopular popular. Now a days kids think smoking is cool. It really isn't, it just brings
problems to yourself.
Image result for joseph smith

Monday, April 18, 2016

I am not bound to win but i am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong”.
             -  Abraham Lincoln

What this quote is telling me about is that if you believe in something that's right you must stand up to it.  And if someone else believes in what you think you must stand together, And stand with them while they are right. Till part with him when he goes wrong. So once the person goes wrong you must be able to take yourself apart and not associate with them. As what Abraham Lincoln did. He stood up for slaves, because he knew that it was wrong, so he stood up for what he believes. And that why Abraham Lincoln gave slaves their freedom. its also means that don't fight for yourself fight for other people as well cause its not only about yourself.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

                                            Student Success Statement  


" Character is higher                                         than intellect."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

 What this quote is telling me about is that you might be smart but what's higher than being smart is your character. Your character matters the most because that's what people first see. And then they question himself, is his character a good influence? Your character is the best thing that represents you. And your smartness isn't what people first see. It's your character you have towards life, or towards people. That's why i  agree with this quote because it very true, how people look into your character. And if your character is ctr then the people will like what they see. If your character is ctw, people will not even want to make eye contact with you. So it's best that your character is on point, so you can impress people in how great you are. And your intelligence can be put aside and let your character show first.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

         I Trust That my hard work                                          
will pay off."
Tyler Haws

          Brigham Young University
    Basketball Player

  Mormon Church

 This Quote means that he never give up and he kept trying his best to get better everyday and waking up early in morning to practice and the work he put in will pay off in the future what he does and he will be successful in life like he is now therefore his hard work made him proud and made pretty much history to his family and himself and also tyler is now one hell of a player and much better player then he was before he played and he hopes that his really hard work would pay off for him but it will in the future

Monday, April 4, 2016

No Way  

“Many think the short term gain will be worth the
Long term pain, but it isn’t . In addition, using
steroids is cheating, and there is nothing
worse in sports than a cheater. Don’t do it.”

George Mitchell
Image result for George Mitchell

This statement means that being a cheater isn’t right because it doesn’t make yourself a good person and if you cheat it causes big problems also it’s wrong to be a cheater because people would think of you like a bad person that never did it right and that’s why never do steroids or any other drug it doesn’t make you any better it makes you feel bad and being called a cheater


Duties and responsibilities: psychology, which is the study of the brain in terms of human behavior and personality.

Salary:69,280 USD

Education:Educational psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning.

Image result for psychology

Reflection : i would maybe want to do this because it seems like people enjoy doing it but i think they should get paid a little bit more as they get paid now.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

                                                           Good Quality People

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."
 George Washington
Image result for George Washington

This Quote Means That  It is way better to be alone than to be with people who do bad things. If you hang out with awful people then they will influence you to do awful things. Hanging out with good people who do good things, then they will influence you to do good things. Hanging out with good people won't hurt your reputation. Therefore do things on your own instead of doin it with bad people